
Endorsement is to express support or approval of, publicly and definitely.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2022

The eCampusOntario Strategic Plan, 2021-24: Digital by Design seeks to build a permanent foundation that supports rich, equitable, inclusive and flexible digital educational experiences in collaboration with our member institutions.

The Empowered Educator micro-credential program provides a flexible digital learning experience which supports foundational knowledge and builds digital fluency skills that transform ones’ teaching practice. The Empowered Educator program further supports the selection and appropriate use of emerging technologies and new pedagogical practices for online and flexible learning environments.

As postsecondary institutions across the Province of Ontario engage in digital transformation efforts, they are adopting and adapting this openly-licensed program to complement current professional development opportunities and partnering with eCampusOntario to share the many reasons why they value and support the program.



Empowered Educator badge. 1 Endorsement.

What is Partner Endorsement?

Partner Endorsement is;

1. A statement that demonstrates institutional support and publicly recognizes the value of the Empowered Educator program.

2. An opportunity for institutions to promote transferrable professional development (PD) pathways or equivalencies to complement existing faculty PD opportunities. 

The partner endorsement statement, or show of support for the Empowered Educator program, becomes encoded into the digital badges learners earn as they complete the modules, and remains part of the badge indefinitely.

Why endorse the Empowered Educator program?

Demonstrates leadership in the micro-credential approach to professional learning

Affirms the institution values quality tech-enabled teaching and learning 

Highlights a commitment to nurturing digitally literate talent

Exhibits dedication to provide innovative and flexible learning environments to meet the needs of learners

Fanshawe College endorses the achievement of the Teacher for Learning Module Badge as part of the Empowered Educator program. Achievement of this badge indicates an understanding of how students learn and how to design effective learning activities and experiences.

Fanshawe College

Current endorsement partners

Seven institutions in Ontario have shown their support and have formally endorsed the Ontario Extend program. Each of these institutions offers the program as a compliment to their existing teaching and learning programming or has customized the content to meet the needs of their faculty.

Can we create stackable PD pathways?

Yes! Conestoga College has become the first institution in Ontario to develop a stackable professional development pathway which enables Empowered Educator program participants to apply the “Empowered Educator” micro-credential as credit toward their recently launched Certificate in Post-Secondary Teaching!

You can be next! Does the Empowered Educator program “stack up” to existing professional development at your institution? Have a look at the module outcomes and competencies.

eCampusOntario (2021). eCampusOntario strategic plan 2021-2024.  Retrieved from www.ecampusontario.ca/corporate-documents/.
